Repair Services
Repair services available for:
Please note that all clothing items must be in a clean condition in order to execute a repair. Repairs are only available for selected materials and products. Speak to our Repair Team in store for further advice on repair solutions. -
Service Charges
*We recommend Embroidery to pair with suitable repair solutions. With a top-up of $10, select from a wide range of designs to freshen up the look of your favourite LifeWear pieces.
*Please note that all clothing items must be in a clean condition in order to execute a repair. -
Available Store
2) UNIQLO Orchard Central Global Flagship -
Service Time Slot Available
Available daily -
Collection Period
The item will be ready for collection within 7 days from the date of receipt.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. How will the charges be calculated for multiple repair in one piece of product?
Each Repair Service on the product is chargeable based on the price list.
Example 1:
Repairing loose hem and missing button in one product will be charged $10 ($5 + $5).
Example 2:
Repairing holes in 3 different locations in one product will be charged $15 ($5 x 3 holes), provided that the diameter of these holes are less than 2cm.
Example 3:
Repairing 1 hole which is more than 2cm in diameter and another hole in a different location which is less than 2cm in diameter will be charged $17 ($12 + $5).
2. Can I request to collect the item at a different store?
Item only can be collected in the same store where you requested for the Repair Service.
3. Can I request for other repair services that are not included in the list above?
Our Repair Team will only be able to provide the repair services listed above on select materials and products. Please speak to our Repair Team (51@AMK / Orchard Central Global Flagship) for further advice.
4. Can I request repair service for non-UNIQLO products?
Our Repair Service is only available for UNIQLO products.
Feedback Submitted
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